Saturday, 28 January 2012

That City Meeeting Feb 15-details

We have noticed this in yesterday's City's Weekly Information List:
The St. John's Municipal Council is holding a public meeting on Wednesday, February 15, 2012, at 7:00 p.m. in the Foran/Greene Room, 4th floor of St. John's City Hall. The purpose is to discuss a draft report of the Battery Development Guidelines Study for Non-Residential Properties.
Several years ago, Council adopted development guidelines for residential properties in the Battery neighbourhood. The new report looks at non-residential properties, including stages and wharves on the waterfront. The report reviews existing properties in the Battery neighbourhood and suggests whether they can be built on, and to what extent, while trying to preserve people's views of the harbour and Southside Hills and ensuring that any new development is in scale and character with existing houses and buildings. (Ward 2)
The recommendations in the report are a draft, and the public meeting is a forum to discuss these recommendations. The meeting will be chaired by a member of Council."

We obtained a copy of this city Guidelines study from Ryan Cleary's office.  It's posted on our DOCUMENTS tab, or go directly here.

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