Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Moratorium extended to Aug 31st

OBNA wrote city council last week, asking them to hold a public meeting to give residents information about the parking lot expansion and listen to residents' desires about the expansion before going ahead with it.  The same letter asked Council to extend the moratorium on demolitions and major city construction until August 31st.
To date we've received no reply from Council about these two requests, but we read in Tuesday's Telegram that on Monday Council voted:
(a) to expand the parking lot at a cost of $400,000
(b) to  extend the moratorium on demolitions and major city construction until August 31st.
The Telegram reported nothing about whether there will be a public meeting, but did report that the parking lot will go out an extra 18 feet into the harbour.

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

City to double size of parking lot

On Monday, the City Works committee voted to lift the moratorium on major city construction early, and to call tenders to double the size of the parking lot.  OBNA was not informed until after the fact.  Ward councillor Frank Galgay said he pushed this forward at the request of an email he received on Sunday from one resident.   He received an earlier letter in May from another resident opposing the expansion.  This is obviously a contentious issue.   Councillors will vote on the Works committee's recommendation  at the main city council meeting next Monday July 25th, after which it will be final.  Anyone wanting to express their views pro or con to City Council in writing before Monday should probably copy all councillors, in addition to our ward councillor.  Councillor's email addresses can be found here.
There's a report in today's Telegram
In March, OBNA asked the City for a copy of the engineering plans and copy of the environmental impact assessment.  We were told no engineering plans have been completed and that the city will not be carrying out any environmental assessment. City Engineer John Barry forwarded this aerial view:  That's all the information we have.  It appears to eliminate the Wells wharf, and the current west side streetlight.  Compared with the current lot size:
Leave a comment below if you like.

Draft Jokinen study

Eric Jokinen presented a powerpoint to the "stakeholders" roundtable meeting last Friday.  It is a preliminary version of his study of heritage fishing structures on Outer Battery.  He intends a more detailed report to be available mid-August.  The study is commissioned by OBNA and the Heritage Foundation, and funded by the Province.  You can see the draft report on the DOCUMENTS tab.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Sunny Sunday Barbeque

The weather cooperated for the 2nd annual Outer Battery bbq on Sunday.  Great Big Thanks to everyone who helped make it possible.  Thanks to the musicians: bagpipers Ean Parsons & Dave Allison, box player Frank Maher and his concertina friend, bodhran player Rick West, fiddler Christina Smith and her friend, and of course to Mike Walsh for playing Ugly Stick.  Also thanks to Belbins Grocery, Dominion & Sobeys who donated some of the food. If anyone took photos please send them along and we'll put them up here.  Dominique Hurley ( took this pic:
Raffle ticket winners were drawn at the end of Sunday afternoon.  They are: 
Coffee beans donated by Coffee & Co, Water St. won by Sydney Chislett
Crystal birds donated by MaryAnne Wyanandi won also by Sydney Chislett

$25 gift certificate donated by Georgetown Bakery won by Mike Walsh
Battery note cards donated by Red Ochre Gallery won by Christina Smith
$15 gift certificate donated by Coffee Matters won by Emily Connelly
Gift certificate for 2 pizzas donated by Gracie Joe's Cafe, Quidi Vidi Rd won by Anne-Marie Carew
$10 gift certificate donated by Tim Horton's gift certif  won by Angie Drake
$10 gift certificate donated by Tim Horton's gift certif  won by Michel Savard
Blue Moon Pottery brooch won by Wes Pretty

The magnificent wooden firetruck model made by you-know-who was up on separate tickets, and Carl Pearcey drew the winning ticket: Lee-Anne Facey-Crowther.  The draw raised $282 for the summer heritage project (Lisa & Annie). Thank you Carl.
And a new sign has been placed on our signboard.

Saturday, 16 July 2011

OBNA board met with city, province etc

This morning we convened a roundtable of reps from City, Province, federal MP & MHA, etc to focus on Outer Battery issues - mainly the heritage fishing structures.  Ask board members for details at the barbeque!

Sunday, 10 July 2011

2nd annual Outer Battery Barbeque!

Sunday, July 17th from noon to 4pm
Mark your calendars!
Music! (including the incomparable Battery box player Graham Wells with friends, Battery 4-stop legend Frank Maher with fiddler Christina Smith & Rick West on bodhran, plus bagpiper Ean Parsons and Dean Ryall!)
Burgers!  Hot Dogs!  Veggie Sausages! Sunny weather forecast!
Raffles raffles raffles!  (All proceeds go to Outer Battery heritage projects.)
If you can volunteer to help, call Chris 576-0359

Special raffle/auction:  Carl Pearcey's beautiful hand crafted wooden firetruck (thank you Carl!)