Tuesday 8 May 2012

New non-residential guidelines

The Telegram carries a story today that City Council last night approved new building guidelines for non-residential properties on Outer Battery. It looks like this is an update of the PHB report presented at the City's public meeting back in February, apparently incorporating the public input from that meeting.
The City didn't give OBNA any notice of this, but today we asked for -and got- a copy of what they approved last night.  It is now available on our DOCUMENTS tab, also here.
Also, the City's website is advertising a public meeting about The Narrows (Outer Battery & Fort Amherst) this Thursday night.  Information here

Thursday 3 May 2012

"Council does not do anything for us."

Although the City has not had a very positive relationship with Outer Battery in the last couple of  years, the vibes apparently go back much longer than that.  Elaine Wychreschuk found this document in the archives where residents petitioned the Nfld government to be removed from the City's jurisdiction because "Council does not do anything for us."  It must date from before 1949, and perhaps the 1920s.  Signed by about 60 people.  Anyone remember anything about this?