Tuesday 16 August 2011

Outer Battery 'stakeholders' roundtable

OBNA board is convening another meeting of 'stakeholders' to discuss Outer Battery issues this week.  Around the table will be the OBNA board, reps from city & provincial tourism, Heritage Foundation, some city councillors, Parks Canada, MP & MHA, etc.  The idea is to get this wide group together every so often to talk about issues that affect us and them.  On the agenda will be:
1: Presentation of Jokinen Outer Battery study (Eric Jokinen) 
2: Parking lot expansion information (city) 
3: Future storm surge likelihood, rising sea levels study 
4: PHB viewplane guidelines applied to fishing structures (city) 
5: Restoration of fishing structures - intentions & outlook (obna) 
6: Signage - liability (city, province) 
7: Proposal for Outer Battery Plan (province) 
We'll let you know what happens, and we'll put up Eric Jokinen's study later this week as we get it, on the DOCUMENTS tab of this blogsite.  It's been commissioned by the Province and OBNA, and is a structural study of remaining heritage fishing properties. His preliminary study is already on the DOCUMENTS tab.

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